I come baring fanfic. Obviously, this was a joke, but it made me laugh anyways.
spidermn was boncing arond but he got sackd by lite post.
"ow my spiderballs," he saided and fell ovr dead.
"haha i have finally killd teh spidermn," shooted the joker and he laghed.
the laughed overed quikly though becuz batman showed up.
"stop right tere joker," he saided.
"ohno batman," saided joker and he runned away.
"com back here," saided batman and he gottd into his batmoble and chased after th joker.
"you will nut catch me," said teh joker as he grabbed an arwing and flyed off.
"omg you stold my arwing," saided fox mclod angrily and he was sad.
"ohno now i never catch joker," saided batman.
"dont worry batman i will help you," saided a voice. it was ................................... harry potter!
"omg harry potter," said batman "how will you help me?"
"i will make you magcal," saided harry and he wavered his wand so batman was now magical and could now catch the joker.
"hurray," batman saided enthusasticly nd he flyed away to catch teh joker.
"haha," saided teh joker, "batman will nevar catch me now!"
"think agin joker," saided batman as he flyed by teh jokers window.
"omg nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," saided the joker won he sawed teh batman, "i arm reuined!"
so teh joker got cotted nd batman was an hero. but before day was saved dere was explosim in teh desert nd day was no longer saved.
"ohno," saided batman, "i must invigorate teh explosim."
so batman flyed to scen of explosim and fonded man in orang nd blak suit with teh crowbarb beating up teh headcarbs.
"omg who are you," batman askeded.
"i am gordon freemant," replyed teh man, "who are you."
"i am batman," replyed batman.
"orly?" askeded gordon.
"yarly," replyed batman.
just den man in blue suit showd up and smilled evilly. he adjusted his tie. he was smilling evilly.
"hello mr freemant," he saided evilly.
"omg who are you," demonded gordon.
"i am frend who will help you escape teh resnance cascad so you can go hom and watch moar pron," saided the man evilly.
"omg pron," saided gordon harpily.
"i want to watch too," batman saided sadly and he was sad.
"you can watch it," said gordon.
"yay," batman saided and he was happy agin.
"but first you must stop teh main bad alein so tat earth will be saved and evreyone will luv you," said teh man.
"orly?" askeded grodon.
"yarly," said teh man.
"awsome lets go batman." and they went.
so gordon freemant and batman went into black masa faculty. they fought teh headcarbs and vrotigaunts and hecu dudes who were being douchebags becuse they were humens too and were attaking grodon and batman.
when that was done they fonded the scintists in the lambda section of teh blak masa faculty.
"omg grodon," saided one scintist, "dere are aleins coming from teh hole in th middle of the flor."
"ohno we must stop teh aleins," saided batman.
"OMG BATMAN," shooted a scinist befroe he was raeped by a gigantic tentacle (liek in teh japonese anime).
"you must stop aleins at alein scene," saided other scinist.
"or else dallas will be destroyerd," saided anuther scinist.
"NO NOT DALLAS," shooted grodon sadly.
"OHSORRY is not dallas is actally new mexico wich is obvosly unimpotent," scinist corrected self.
"oh ok," saided gordon wit relef.
so gordon and batman went to alein scen and went into alein hole were they encontered an evil man on brom wit red eyes and no nose. it was.............. volxemort! he had no nose.
"omg its volxemort from harry pooter," shooted batman.
"hahaha i have caused resnance cascad and now earth will be invaded by aleins," laughed volxemort evilly.
"but why do you want this?" aksed batman sadly.
"because i hat teh way deathly hollows ended," volxemort shooted, "it was such bad ending tat i nearly died wen i readed it."
"if you tink dat is bad you should read twilight," said grodon with shutter.
"i already readed twilight how you think i lost my nose?" volxemort demonded.
"osorry," grodon replyed.
"anyhoo i are gong to maek teh aleins wipe out der humens!" volxemort laughed again evilly.
then volxemort summoned up teh alein mastr who was mastr of all teh aleins invading the earth. it was..................................... ET!
"what i thought alein who controlled all otter aleins was called nihilanth," saided gordon confoosedly.
"yeah but nihilanth is too hard to speel," saided teh autor, "so i used ET instead ok so sthu."
"osorry," grodon saided.
"anyways LET'S FIGHT," saidered batman and tey fought ET who tey hated because ET video garm for atari was shit.
"OHNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," volxemort cried, "ET are losting!"
"of corse because you cannot defet forces of goodness," saided batman who used batarang to hit ET in face with batarang.
"that is left," said grodon who used crowbarb to smack ET in butt.
ET was defeted by forces of goodness and all udder aleins were blown to smitheroons.
"ohshit," said volxemort, "now what i do i must do something drastic."
"give up volxemort you have losted," said batman.
"think agin batman," saided a voice. it was........................... teh joker!
"ohno how you get ot of jail so quikly!?" batman shooted.
"i are magc becost of volxemort an now i kill you and grodon freemant!" cried teh joker harpily.
just then remaning headcarb falld on teh jokers head.
"ohno were id headcarb com from!" demonded grodon.
"baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw i am now zombie!" shooted teh joker nd he shotted big fireball liek from final fantasy at gordon and batman. they monaged to dodge it and attaked joker zombie wit master swrod and arrows of lite.
"omg my only wekness beside rickroll noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" shooted jokr zombie an he disintegreated into snowflak wich batman caughted in hand.
"hurray we suckseeded in winning der misshon!" shooted gordon harpily.
"wait where id volxemort go?" aksed batman.
"haha i get away!" shooted volxemort and he flyed away on his brom.
"good job mr freemant," said misterios blue suited man as he appread on ledge with grodon and batman.
"o we are done so i can go home and watch pron?" aksed gordon harpily to teh man.
"no," replyed teh man evilly.
"but you said we could," said batman sadly and he was sad.
"yeah well i lied BECAUSE...."and teh man rippered his face off and grodon and batman both garsped.
"omfg bill," saided batman, "why you not tell us it was you?"
"yeah why maek us beated up the aleins?" aksed gordon.
"because... guyz," saided bill silently... "YOU ARE TEH ALEINS."
and then grodon and batman was zombies.
Friday, February 20, 2009
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